You may use your book to assist you with your answers- however, your submissions

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You may use your book to assist you with your answers- however, your submissions must be in your own words. ***Make sure you include the question number that you are answering instead of the exact question in your response. The complete question will cause your Turnitin number to be higher if everyone writes the complete question. Please place your answers to the questions in one Word or pdf document and attach it below. Please choose 7 of the following questions and answer in complete sentences. Answers will vary in length depending on the questions you choose. Please make sure you fully answer all aspects of each of the 7 questions you choose to answer. The answers must be in your own words and will be submitted to SafeAssign. I know from the discussion boards that you will do great! 1. Developmental scientists study development over the human life span. Explain the difference between psychosocial development, cognitive development, and physical development. Provide an example of each type of development. 2. In the discussion of critical periods, the text presents the case of Genie, who was subjected to years of child abuse. What evidence does this landmark case provide about critical periods and language acquisition? 3. Explain the difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Give an example of how each form of conditioning might be utilized in a preschool social situation. 4. Describe each of the following research designs and give an advantage and a disadvantage of each: case study; ethnographic study; correlational study; and experiment. 5. Describe how and when human conception normally occurs. In your answer, include the following terms: fertilization, gamete, ovulation, and zygote. 6. Define what scientists mean by the term infertility. List the causes of infertility for both males and females and describe three alternate ways that couples can become pregnant. 7. Some cognitive and physical abilities are developed by fetal learning. Provide some examples and indicate how researchers can monitor fetal learning. 8. List some parental behaviors that can maximize parent-child bonding. 9. Describe the Apgar scale, and explain how it is used. What do each of the letters stand for? 10. Pediatricians encourage new mothers to consider breast-feeding their babies. Explain some of the advantages of breast-feeding. 11. List the senses that are the most and least developed at birth, and describe how these senses continue to develop during infancy and toddlerhood.

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