To prepare for this assignment, read textbook Chapter 10. This paper assignment

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To prepare for this assignment, read textbook Chapter 10. This paper assignment affords the opportunity to explore the decision to have or not have children. What decision concerning having children or not having children are you now leaning toward or have made? Some of the students in this class have completed their families. Others are in the process of growing their families. There are students who plan to have children sometime in the future, students who know they do not plan to have children and students who are still in the decision stage. For those who have children, reflect back to the time that you were making the decision to become a parent. Keep in mind that parenthood can be experienced by having biological children, adopting, fostering children, raising stepchildren or through assisted reproduction such as in vitro fertilization. As you describe your personal reasons for your decision, identify whether they are in the best interest of you, the child, society, or some combination of those three. You might consider in your response how having a child would benefit your life. How might having a child enhance you cognitively, socially or emotionally? How would a child benefit from having you as a parent? What could you provide a child? How would society be enriched by your child, particularly projecting into the future. Support your response. As in all papers, refer to the course content that supports or influences your beliefs. PAPER ASSIGNMENT IS WORTH A POTENTIAL 20 POINTS. Only those papers that are indicative of thoughtful, well-written, and thorough exploration of the subject areas will be given full credit. Paper length should be a minimum two (2) full, double-spaced, typewritten pages in small font (i.e. Times New Roman 12). Papers must be submitted as a Word document, using APA style.

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