Objectives The purpose of the APA Research Paper: Final Paper activity is to: P

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The purpose of the APA Research Paper: Final Paper activity is to:
Produce a paper that is written in APA 7th edition style formatting, including in-text citations, and references (CO 5)
Create a clear, well-developed thesis statement pertaining to an appropriate topic (CO 1, CO 2, CO 3)
Present the topic in an organized, concise, interesting manner, which incorporates the student’s own original thought (CO 1, CO 2, CO 3)
Incorporate evidence from reliable sources that support the discussion/thoughts of the paper in the form of direct quotations, summaries, and paraphrases (CO 6)
Method of Evaluation 
Students are required to complete a APA Research Paper: Final Paper which is worth 25% of their overall grade.
Students must complete the following papers: (i) a Personal Essay, (ii) a Business Writing Assignment and (iii) an APA Research Paper. Each of these papers must be submitted through Canvas in order for the paper to be uploaded to Turnitin®.
The APA Research Paper must follow the guidelines set forth by the American Psychological Association. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10/Links to an external site.) that will assist with APA writing. The research paper should focus on a current trend, event or issues occurring in your field of study.
The APA research paper will be graded pursuant to the guidelines set forth in Exhibit B. Students are expected to understand these guidelines and ensure that their assignments incorporate them.
The research paper involves three major activities:
Choosing a Topic: Choose a topic for your research paper that is focused and about which you can ask a specific research question. Avoid encyclopedia-style reports on a general topic; such broad topics can become overwhelming and do not allow for purposeful research. For example, choosing for your topic a condition such as “diabetes” or “autism,” a setting such as “airports,” or an issue such as “ethics” will likely make for a shallow paper. Instead, ask a focused question about your topic. Then generate your thesis in answer to this question.
Outlining for APA Research Paper: You must submit a detailed outline of your research paper. Outlines may be in one of several formats, as directed by your course instructor, but all outlines must include the following: (i) a separate outline point for each paragraph, (ii) a point for your introduction that includes your thesis statement, (iii) at least three (3) body paragraph points, each with at least two subpoints illustrating the paragraph’s topic, and (iv) a point for a concluding paragraph. Your outline should be single spaced and no shorter than a full page.
Writing the APA Research Paper: The paper should be between five and seven pages in length (not including cover page, abstract, references, exhibits, etc.) and incorporate a minimum of seven (7) credible references. The paper must be written and presented in APA style (including, margins, citations, headings, etc.). You will be responsible for submitting a rough publish, the final paper and presenting your findings to the class.
The rubric below will be utilized to grade the paper.
Assignment | APA Research Paper: Final Paper | W10Assignment | APA Research Paper: Final Paper | W10CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle Page5 ptsSuperior• The document title is centered, bolded, and positioned two double-spaces below the header. • The writer’s name, school name, course name, teacher’s name, and due date, are placed near the center of the title page, with no errors.4 ptsSatisfactory• The title of the document is centered, arranged below the header, but is more or less than two double-spaces. • The paper’s identifying information is somewhat centered on the page.3 ptsPoor• The document title is not properly formatted (not centered or bolded) • The paper’s identifying information is poorly placed or aligned.2 ptsUnsatisfactory• The document’s title is either missing or improperly placed • The paper lacks identifying information, or it is not centered.0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction5 ptsSuperior• The introduction clearly articulates the paper’s purpose. • The introduction previews the structure of the paper, providing a concise overview of what readers can expect.4 ptsSatisfactory• The introduction partially states the purpose of the paper, but it could be stated more clearly • The preview of the paper’s structure is present, but it lacks clarity or depth3 ptsPoor• The introduction does not clearly state the purpose of the paper. • The preview of the paper’s structure is either missing or insufficient.2 ptsUnsatisfactory• The introduction is either missing or does not contain relevant content. • The paper does not provide an overview of its structure.0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis Statement10 ptsSuperior• The thesis statement is exceptionally concise and specific, leaving no room for ambiguity. • The thesis statement clearly and precisely expresses the central argument of the paper. • The thesis statement is highly arguable, inviting thoughtful discussion and debate. • The thesis statement takes a clear and assertive stance on the issue, and it is appropriately placed at the end of the introduction.8 ptsSatisfactory• The thesis statement is clear and specific, effectively conveying the main argument or position. • The thesis statement adequately expresses the main argument, though some refinement is needed. • The thesis statement is reasonably arguable, allowing for differing viewpoints. • The thesis statement takes a defensible stance, but may benefit from stronger assertiveness. It is appropriately placed.7 ptsPoor• The thesis statement is adequately clear, but may benefit from more precision. • The thesis statement partially conveys the main argument, but lacks precision. • The thesis statement is minimally arguable, limiting potential debate. • The thesis statement’s stance is vague or weak, and its placement needs improvement.5 ptsUnsatisfactory• The thesis statement lacks clarity and specificity, making it difficult to discern the main argument. • The thesis statement lacks a clear expression of the main argument. • The thesis statement lacks clear arguable elements. • The thesis statement lacks a clear stance and is poorly positioned.0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Development25 ptsSuperior• The publish thoroughly explores the topic, demonstrating a deep understanding. • It is well-supported with firm and sufficient evidence from credible sources. • The paper integrates knowledge from various scholarly works, showcasing comprehensive research. • Original thought is evident, going beyond mere regurgitation of existing ideas. • The content is comprehensive and complete, covering all relevant aspects.22 ptsSatisfactory• The publish adequately explores the topic, but may lack depth in certain areas. • Evidence is sufficient, though not as robust as in an excellent paper. • Some integration of knowledge from different sources is present. • Original thought is present, but not consistently throughout the paper. • The content is mostly complete, with minor gaps.18 ptsPoor• The publish touches upon the topic, but lacks depth and thorough exploration. • Evidence is basic, lacking the depth expected. • Limited integration of knowledge from various sources. • Original thought is minimal. • The content is partially complete, missing key elements.15 ptsUnsatisfactory• The publish briefly addresses the topic, lacking substance. • Evidence is weak or insufficient, undermining the paper’s credibility. • Some integration of knowledge from external sources. • Original thought is insufficient. • The content is incomplete, leaving significant gaps.0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCohesiveness20 ptsSuperior• The publish skillfully utilizes transitions to link sentences and paragraphs. • The publish consistently maintains a cohesive tone, reflecting a unified voice throughout. • The writing style is consistent, adhering to the chosen academic conventions. • The focus remains sharp, ensuring that all content aligns with the central theme.18 ptsSatisfactory• The publish uses transitions, while at times is not seamless. • The tone is generally cohesive, but minor fluctuations are present. • The writing style is mostly consistent, with occasional deviations. • The focus is maintained, but some sections may lack clarity.14 ptsPoor• The publish attempts to use transitions, but they may be basic or predictable. • The tone varies, affecting overall cohesion. • The writing style shows inconsistencies, impacting readability. • The focus is present, but some paragraphs lack clear connections.10 ptsUnsatisfactory• The publish attempts to use transitions, but they may be basic or predictable. • The tone varies, affecting overall cohesion. • The writing style shows inconsistencies, impacting readability. • The focus is present, but some paragraphs lack clear connections.0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Quality15 ptsSuperior• Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are consistent. No errors are present. • Sentences are clear, varied, and well-constructed. • publish consistently maintains a third-person perspective throughout. • publish employs a formal and scholarly tone appropriate for academic writing. • Diverse sentence types enhance readability and engagement.11 ptsSatisfactory• Minor errors may occur but do not significantly impact clarity. • Sentences are generally well-formed. • Third-person perspective is mostly maintained, with occasional shifts. • Tone is generally formal, but occasional informality may occur. • A mix of sentence structures is present.7 ptsPoor• Some errors exist, affecting readability. • Sentence structure is basic and lacks variety. • Some inconsistencies in third-person usage. • Repetition of sentence patterns present.5 ptsUnsatisfactory• Numerous errors hinder comprehension. • Frequent sentence errors impede understanding. • Inappropriate tone for academic work. • Lacks diverse sentence types which impact readability and engagement.0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization10 ptsSuperior• The introduction is clearly presented and sets the stage for the paper. • Paragraphs are focused, each containing one key idea. • The conclusion synthesizes research findings, providing a cohesive summary. • Ideas flow smoothly from one paragraph to the next. • Headings and subheadings are appropriately placed and informative.8 ptsSatisfactory• The introduction is adequate, but may lack some clarity. • Paragraphs generally contain one key idea, though there might be minor lapses. • The conclusion partially synthesizes research findings. • Ideas flow reasonably well, but there could be improvements. • Heading and subheadings are used, but effectiveness varies.7 ptsPoor• The introduction is present, but may lack clarity or depth. • Paragraphs may contain multiple ideas, affecting coherence. • The conclusion summarizes findings, but lacks depth. • Ideas transition, but not seamlessly. • Headings and subheadings are used, but may not enhance overall organization5 ptsUnsatisfactory• The introduction is vague. • Paragraphs lack clear focus and coherence. • The conclusion fails to synthesize research findings appropriately. • Ideas are disjointed, hindering readability. • Headings and subheadings are absent or confusing0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppearance and Formatting5 ptsSuperior• The paper features a descriptive title that accurately encapsulates the content. • The paper is arranged following APA 7th edition formatting guidelines. • Headers are used correctly by level (Levels 1-5 headers). • Pagination is consistent throughout the paper. • If applicable, the running header contains no more than 50 characters and is placed in the top left of the border area, using all capital letters.4 ptsSatisfactory• The title of the paper is not fully descriptive. • The paper mostly follows APA 7th edition formatting but there are minor deviations. • Headers are used, but there are occasional errors in level usage. • Pagination is mostly consistent with few lapses. • The runner header is present but exceeds the 50-character limit3 ptsPoor• The paper lacks a descriptive title or appropriate title, deviates significantly from APA 7th edition formatting, and contains errors in headers, pagination, or running header formatting. • The paper significantly deviates from APA 7th edition formatting. • Headers are missing or used incorrectly. • Pagination is erratic or missing. • The running header is absent or poorly formatted.2 ptsUnsatisfactory• The paper is missing essential elements such as title and/or headers. • The paper does not adhere to APA 7th edition formatting. • Headers are missing. • Page numbers are absent. • The running header is nonexistent.0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations5 ptsSuperior• All sources are cited appropriately and follow a consistent format. • All direct quotations are relevant and properly introduced. • A References list appears at the end of the document and follows APA formatting guidelines.4 ptsSatisfactory• Most sources are cited appropriately and follow a consistent format. • Most direct quotations are relevant and properly introduced. • A References list appears at the end of the document and mostly follows APA formatting guidelines3 ptsPoor• Some sources are cited appropriately and follow a consistent format. • Some direct quotations are relevant and properly introduced. • A References list appears at the end of the document and somewhat follows APA formatting guidelines.2 ptsUnsatisfactory• Sources are not cited appropriately or do not follow a consistent format. • Direct quotations are not relevant or properly introduced. • A References list is incomplete or does not follow APA formatting guidelines0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed5 pts
Total Points: 100
Full, Formal Title of Paper/Report
Firstname Lastname
Educational Institution
Course Name
Instructor Name
Due Date
Begin typing abstract here. Most abstracts are between 150-250 words. Do not write more than 300 words. Make sure to use double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font. The abstract is like the back or the inside cover of a work of fiction. It gives the reader a general understanding of what the paper will be about without giving away all the specific details. If necessary, look for examples of abstracts in scholarly journal articles to get an idea of how to compose. Make sure that you do not indent your paragraphs. 
If you need another paragraph, simply press enter and begin typing. DO NOT copy and paste the introduction of the paper into the abstract. You can include a rephrased form of your thesis, but do not include your thesis statement verbatim: this will make your paper sound repetitious. 
Keywords: English, composition, template, APA

Full, Formal Title of Paper/Report
Begin your introductory paragraph here. Make sure to accomplish, at the least, 3 goals: engage your reader, establish your direction, and introduce your line of thought (state your thesis). Your thesis statement must be positioned as the last (or the second-to-last) sentence of your introductory paragraph. While writing a paper, it is prudent practice to reread the thesis often. At minimum, review the main points of the thesis before beginning each new section within the paper. 
Section Headings
If you have filled out your section headings on your outline, you can simply convert your titles into your paper’s Section Headings. Make sure these words are centered, bolded, and typed in Times New Roman 12 point font. These headings should be as concise as possible; use minimal verbiage. Remember that there should be multiple paragraphs within each main section. Subheadings or subsections are not required in this course. 
Section Headings
The second section should begin here. Make sure to refer to the example paper provided to see how the paper should be structured. 
Section Headings
The third section should begin here. Make sure to refer to the example paper provided to see how the paper should be structured. 
The paper’s conclusion should have it’s own section heading. Make sure to refer to the example paper provided to see how the paper should be structured.
The references should be placed on their own page. Make sure your spacing is correct! For more information about creating your references page, refer to the APA manual style guide. The Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) website can be found by clicking here. An example of a completed APA paper written in 7th edition style can be found by clicking here. A guide designed for Jersey College students can be viewed by clicking here.
please I will like you to submit the topic, the thesis statement, the outline and a rough publish before the final paper.

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