For this assignment, each student will read the following Case Study, “Houston D

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For this assignment, each student will read the following Case Study, “Houston Dialysis Center,” and discuss the four questions at the end. You should use information learned from the textbook, class lectures, problems worked, and research gathered online to discuss each question.
Case Study – Houston Dialysis Center
The objective to the assignment is for students to use their understanding of the cost allocation concepts to think through the processes, make assumptions, be able to express ideas coherently, and develop creative solutions.
Remember that you should view this case and discuss it from the point of view of a manager rather than an employee. That is the purpose of the course and program. You can state how you would feel as an employee but then as a manager you must look at what is best for the whole hospital.
You should complete the assignment using a word processing software such as Word, and upload the file into Canvas.
Note: For full points, Please ensure that your assignment papers are written clearly, concisely, analytically, and thoughtfully.
Answer ALL questions in-depth.
Use relevant sources (journal articles, books, credible websites) where applicable, or note that it is based on your opinion and class notes/lecture.
References must be properly cited using APA 6th format.

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