Discussion 1 – Practices that promote success (such as UDL) This assignment will

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Discussion 1 – Practices that promote success (such as UDL)
This assignment will use the Assignment Rubric. Your original posts and responses are to be reflective of the current literature, clearly state your position and be brief but thorough. Your responses should also be respectful of the person whose post you are responding to. In this discussion, focus on student success and the practices that promote success such as UDL. These practices can be reflective of classroom, workplace and home settings. Questions you should answer: How do we define success? How do we create an environment that will be conducive for success? What practices encourage promote success or discourage students from succeeding? Each student must make a minimum of 1 substantive post and 2 replies. Discussions cannot be made up or substituted with another assignment. Cite the literature you reviewed to support your positions. To give your classmates the opportunity to respond to your post, please do not wait until the last hour to post it.

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