Now it’s time to reach out to your peers and share what’s working for you and wh

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By admin

Now it’s time to reach out to your peers and share what’s working for you and what is not. You will get an opportunity to help others and to get advice on how to overcome your struggles.
Read part of a sample response:
I need to find research that mentions specific tests that determine the intelligence of pigs. I have found some reports, but they are written in technical language I would need a doctorate in biology to understand! I would appreciate suggestions on where I could find sources that are written for people who aren’t experts in the field.
Create one post 175 words that:
Shares at least one element of your research project that is going well and explains the strategies you are using to achieve success in your research.
Explains a problem or challenge you are facing with the research project.
Maintains a polite tone and invites others to help you solve your problem.
Create two response ( 50 words each)posts that:
Respond to a classmate with a potential solution to a challenge they are facing. Be specific and maintain a spirit of collaboration.
* Please see the attached file Research Question and Plan to assist in answering the discussion question.

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