What is the role of the World Health Organization on global governance of health

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What is the role of the World Health Organization on global governance of health care systems? Is the WHO still a relevant global organization? Does it empower or hinder research and development efforts for developing nations? Are there significant safeguards in place to police the WHO?
The research paper demonstrates the student’s ability to express knowledge acquired during the course in a research paper.
The research paper should be between 5-7 pages (excluding coverpage and reference page) typed, double-spaced and meet APA standards for citations. A detailed description of the format of the final paper and presentation will be distributed during workshop one. Students should use a mix of sources including websites, electronic journals, print journals and books.
The following general categories will apply to the final paper and presentation. Introduction of Topic
Theoretical and Statistical Overview
Current impact on global health systems
Literature Review of major sources
Comparison of methodology and approaches

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